.. _UC22: Use Case 22 - Link/Citation Report for Owner -------------------------------------------- .. index:: Use Case 22, UC22, report, citation, object reference report Revisions View document revision history_. Goal User can get report of links and citations to objects they own (also can view this as a referrer log). Summary A data owner would benefit from having a report that indicated the connections to objects they own. Within DataONE, this could be handled by examining the object associations contained in the system metadata. For external references to content, DataONE could provide summaries generated from log reports, though with much greater uncertainty. Actors - Data owner - Data referrer - Member Nodes - Coordinating Node Preconditions - Owner has content in DataONE - References to content appear directly in system metadata or in access logs Triggers - Owner requests report for content citations and references - Scheduled report generated for data owner Post Conditions - Owner has a report on citations and references to their data - System state is updated to enable reporting for the next time period .. uml:: @startuml images/22_seq.png actor "User (Data Owner)" as user participant "Client" as app_client << Application >> user -> app_client participant "Authentication API" as c_authenticate << Coordinating Node >> app_client -> c_authenticate: login (user, pw) app_client <-- c_authenticate: token or failure participant "Query API" as c_query << Coordinating Node >> app_client -> c_query: getLinksAndCites (PID, fromDate, toDate) participant "Authorization API" as c_authorize << Coordinating Node >> c_query -> c_authorize: isAuth (token, resultset) participant "Verify API" as c_ver << Coordinating Node >> c_authorize -> c_ver: isValidToken (token) c_authorize <-- c_ver: T or F c_query <-- c_authorize: T or F app_client <-- c_query: records or fail note right Can the Query API handle queries on log records or should this be handled by another API? (e.g. "Report API"?) end note @enduml *Figure 1.* Interactions for use case 22, User can get report of links, cites my data (also can view this as a referrer log) .. _history: https://redmine.dataone.org/projects/d1/repository/changes/documents/Projects/cicore/architecture/api-documentation/source/design/UseCases/22_uc.txt