The following diagrams indicate code dependencies between various components that make up the DataONE infrastructure. Functional dependencies are not depicted.
Figure 1. Core shared components.
digraph core_components { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 style="solid" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 fontcolor = "black"]; color="#888888"; schema [label="dataonetypes.xsd" URL="#dataonetypes"]; d1_common_java; d1_common_python; d1_libclient_java; d1_libclient_python; d1_architecture; d1_jibx_extensions; d1_test_resources; foresite_java [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; foresite_python [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; d1_architecture -> schema; d1_common_java -> schema; d1_common_java -> d1_jibx_extensions; d1_common_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_common_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_common_python -> schema; d1_common_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_common_java; d1_libclient_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> foresite_java; d1_libclient_python -> d1_common_python; d1_libclient_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_python -> foresite_python; }NEEDS VERIFYING
Figure 2. Test services.
digraph core_components { color="#888888"; fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 style="solid" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 fontcolor = "black"]; subgraph cluster_CORE { label="Shared Components"; color="#888888"; schema [label="dataonetypes.xsd"]; d1_common_java; d1_common_python; d1_libclient_java; d1_libclient_python; d1_architecture; d1_jibx_extensions; d1_test_resources; foresite_java [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; foresite_python [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; d1_architecture -> schema; d1_common_java -> schema; d1_common_java -> d1_jibx_extensions; d1_common_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_common_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_common_python -> schema; d1_common_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_common_java; d1_libclient_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> foresite_java; d1_libclient_python -> d1_common_python; d1_libclient_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_python -> foresite_python; } d1_integration; d1_web_test_site; d1_instance_generator; d1_echo_service; d1_integration -> d1_common_java; d1_integration -> d1_libclient_java; d1_integration -> Certificates; d1_web_test_site -> d1_integration; d1_instance_generator -> d1_common_python; d1_instance_generator -> d1_libclient_python; }Figure 3. Coordinating node components.
digraph core_components { color="#888888"; fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 10; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 style="solid" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 10 fontcolor = "black"]; subgraph cluster_CORE { label="Shared Components"; color="#888888"; schema [label="dataonetypes.xsd"]; d1_common_java; d1_common_python; d1_libclient_java; d1_libclient_python; d1_architecture; d1_jibx_extensions; d1_test_resources; foresite_java [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; foresite_python [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; d1_architecture -> schema; d1_common_java -> schema; d1_common_java -> d1_jibx_extensions; d1_common_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_common_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_common_python -> schema; d1_common_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_common_java; d1_libclient_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> foresite_java; d1_libclient_python -> d1_common_python; d1_libclient_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_python -> foresite_python; } postgres [style="filled" fillcolor="grey80"]; hazelcast [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; LDAP [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; SOLR [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; cilogon_portal_servlet [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80" label="cilogon-portal-servlet"]; d1_cn_version_tool; d1_cn_common; d1_cn_index_common; d1_cn_index_generator; d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_mercury_common; d1_portal; d1_cn_approve_node; d1_identity_manager; d1_log_aggregation; d1_mercury_ui; d1_portal_servlet; d1_cn_rest; d1_cn_rest_proxy; d1_cn_service; d1_solr_extensions; d1_synchronization; d1_cn_index_processor; d1_replication; d1_cn_index_tool; d1_process_daemon; cn_metacat; d1_cn_common -> d1_common_java; d1_cn_common -> hazelcast; d1_cn_index_common -> d1_common_java; d1_cn_index_common -> postgres; d1_cn_index_generator -> d1_cn_index_common; d1_cn_index_generator -> d1_common_java; d1_cn_index_generator -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_index_generator -> postgres; d1_cn_index_generator -> hazelcast; d1_cn_noderegistry -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_noderegistry -> LDAP; d1_cn_noderegistry -> hazelcast; d1_mercury_common -> d1_common_java; d1_mercury_common -> d1_libclient_java; d1_mercury_common -> d1_portal; d1_portal -> d1_common_java; d1_portal -> d1_libclient_java; d1_cn_approve_node -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_cn_approve_node -> d1_libclient_java; d1_identity_manager -> d1_libclient_java; d1_identity_manager -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_log_aggregation -> d1_libclient_java; d1_log_aggregation -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_mercury_ui -> d1_common_java; d1_mercury_ui -> d1_libclient_java; d1_mercury_ui -> d1_portal; d1_portal_servlet -> cilogon_portal_servlet; d1_portal_servlet -> d1_portal; d1_portal_servlet -> hazelcast; d1_cn_rest_proxy -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_rest -> d1_libclient_java; d1_cn_rest -> d1_identity_manager; d1_cn_rest -> d1_portal; d1_cn_rest -> d1_cn_rest_proxy; d1_cn_rest -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_cn_rest -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_service -> d1_cn_rest; d1_cn_service -> d1_cn_rest_proxy; d1_solr_extensions -> d1_libclient_java; d1_solr_extensions -> d1_cn_common; d1_solr_extensions -> d1_identity_manager; d1_solr_extensions -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_solr_extensions -> d1_portal; d1_synchronization -> d1_libclient_java; d1_synchronization -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_synchronization -> d1_identity_manager; d1_synchronization -> hazelcast; d1_cn_index_processor -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_index_processor -> d1_libclient_java; d1_cn_index_processor -> d1_cn_index_common; d1_cn_index_processor -> d1_cn_index_generator; d1_cn_index_processor -> postgres; d1_cn_index_processor -> SOLR; d1_replication -> d1_cn_noderegistry; d1_replication -> d1_cn_common; d1_replication -> d1_libclient_java; d1_replication -> hazelcast; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_common_java; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_libclient_java; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_cn_common; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_cn_index_common; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_cn_index_generator; d1_cn_index_tool -> d1_cn_index_processor; d1_process_daemon -> d1_synchronization; d1_process_daemon -> d1_log_aggregation; d1_process_daemon -> d1_replication; d1_process_daemon -> hazelcast; cn_metacat -> d1_common_java; cn_metacat -> d1_libclient_java; cn_metacat -> postgres; cn_metacat -> hazelcast; cn_metacat -> foresite_java; }Figure 4. Member node implementations (ovals) and instances (rectangles).
digraph core_components { color="#888888"; fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 style="solid" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 fontcolor = "black"]; subgraph cluster_CORE { label="Shared Components"; color="#888888"; schema [label="dataonetypes.xsd"]; d1_common_java; d1_common_python; d1_libclient_java; d1_libclient_python; d1_architecture; foresite_java [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; foresite_python [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; d1_architecture -> schema; d1_common_java -> schema; d1_common_java -> d1_jibx_extensions; d1_common_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_common_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_common_python -> schema; d1_common_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_common_java; d1_libclient_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> foresite_java; d1_libclient_python -> d1_common_python; d1_libclient_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_python -> foresite_python; } Metacat; Mercury_MN; KNB [shape="record"]; ORNL_DAAC [shape="record"]; USGS [shape="record"]; Dryad [shape="record"]; Merritt [shape="record"]; SAN_Parks [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_UNM_1 [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_UNM_2 [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_UCSB_1 [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_UCSB_2 [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_ORC_1 [shape="record"]; MN_Replication_ORC_2 [shape="record"]; Metacat -> d1_common_java; Metacat -> d1_libclient_java; KNB -> Metacat; SAN_Parks -> Metacat; Merritt -> Metacat; Mercury_MN -> d1_common_java; ORNL_DAAC -> Mercury_MN; USGS -> Mercury_MN; GMN -> d1_common_python; GMN -> d1_libclient_python; MN_Replication_UNM_1 -> GMN; MN_Replication_UCSB_1 -> GMN; MN_Replication_ORC_1 -> GMN; MN_Replication_UNM_2 -> Metacat; MN_Replication_UCSB_2 -> Metacat; MN_Replication_ORC_2 -> Metacat; Dryad -> d1_common_java; Dryad -> d1_libclient_java; }Figure 5. Investigator toolkit.
digraph core_components { color="#888888"; fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; fontsize = 8; edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 color = "#888888" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 style="solid" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 8 fontcolor = "black"]; subgraph cluster_CORE { label="Shared Components"; color="#888888"; schema [label="dataonetypes.xsd"]; d1_common_java; d1_common_python; d1_libclient_java; d1_libclient_python; d1_architecture; foresite_java [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; foresite_python [style="filled" bgcolor="grey80"]; d1_architecture -> schema; d1_common_java -> schema; d1_common_java -> d1_jibx_extensions; d1_common_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_common_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_common_python -> schema; d1_common_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_common_java; d1_libclient_java -> d1_test_resources [style="dashed"]; d1_libclient_java -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_java -> foresite_java; d1_libclient_python -> d1_common_python; d1_libclient_python -> d1_architecture [style="dotted"]; d1_libclient_python -> foresite_python; } d1_client_cli; d1_client_r; d1_client_fuse; d1_client_dokan; d1_client_cli -> d1_common_python; d1_client_cli -> d1_libclient_python; d1_client_r -> d1_common_java; d1_client_r -> d1_libclient_java; d1_client_fuse -> d1_common_python; d1_client_fuse -> d1_libclient_python; d1_client_dokan -> d1_client_fuse; }Component |
Category |
Responsible |
Description |
‘Component’ |
‘Category’ |
‘Responsible’ |
‘Description’ |
‘dataonetypes’ |
‘Common’ |
‘MJ’ |
‘Schema used for defining serialization of core data types’ |
‘d1_architecture’ |
‘Common’ |
‘DV’ |
‘The system architecture documentation’ |
‘operations’ |
‘Operations’ |
‘DV’ |
‘Operations documentation - servers etc’ |
‘d1_common_java’ |
‘Common’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Base DataONE library in Java’ |
‘d1_common_python’ |
‘Common’ |
‘RD’ |
‘Base DataONE library in Python’ |
‘d1_libclient_java’ |
‘Common’ |
‘RN’ |
‘Client library implemented in Java’ |
‘d1_libclient_python’ |
‘Common’ |
‘RD’ |
‘Client library implemented in Python’ |
‘d1_web_test_site’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘RN’ |
‘Member node integration testing service’ |
‘d1_echo_service’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘DV’ |
‘A HTTP echo service used for testing’ |
‘d1_integration’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘RN’ |
‘Integration testing for components and combinations thereof’ |
‘Certificates’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Generation and management of certificates for use by server components’ |
‘d1_instance_generator’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘RD’ |
‘Generates example instances of objects defined in dataoneTypes.xsd’ |
‘one_mercury’ |
‘CN’ |
‘GP’ |
‘The search interface that is implemented by the Mercury search index’ |
‘cn_metacat’ |
‘CN’ |
‘CJ’ |
‘The Metacat application. Currently employed as the replicated object store on Coordinating Nodes.’ |
‘d1_cn_index_processor’ |
‘CN’ |
‘SR/DV’ |
‘Populates the SOLR index by extracting informaton from system metadata, science metadata and resource maps.’ |
‘d1_cn_index_generator’ |
‘CN’ |
‘SR/DV’ |
‘Generates indexing tasks when new objects appear or system metadata changes’ |
‘d1_cn_index_common’ |
‘CN’ |
‘SR/DV’ |
‘Code shared between the indexing components’ |
‘indexerapi’ |
‘CN’ |
‘SR/DV’ |
‘A library used by the index_processor for extracting content from various types of XML structures such as system metadata, science metadata and resource maps. ‘ |
‘d1_portal_servlet’ |
‘CN’ |
‘BL’ |
‘Provides a UI for interacting with the CILogon service, an authentication proxy service’ |
‘d1_portal’ |
‘CN’ |
‘BL’ |
‘Implements the certificate manager used by the portal servlets’ |
‘d1_identity_manager’ |
‘CN’ |
‘BL’ |
‘Provides mechanisms for managing subjects in dataone’ |
‘d1_process_daemon’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Monitors content on member nodes, creating tasks for synchronization and replication’ |
‘d1_synchronization’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Manages the synchronization of content between Member Nodes and the Coordinating Nodes.’ |
‘d1_replication’ |
‘CN’ |
‘CJ’ |
‘Manages replication of content between Member Nodes’ |
‘d1_cn_noderegistry’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘A register of coordinating and member nodes participating in a DataONE environment’ |
‘d1_cn_common’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘A library of code shared between coordintating node components’ |
‘d1_cn_rest’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘The coordinating node HTTP REST service interface’ |
‘d1_cn_rest_proxy’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Proxies requests coming in to a CN to underlying service implementations such as the object store (i.e. Metacat)’ |
‘d1_cn_service’ |
‘CN’ |
‘RW’ |
‘Coordinating node service, implementing the service APIs, data storage, and CN replication.’ |
‘d1_simple_search’ |
‘CN’ |
‘DV’ |
‘A simple search interface using Javascript and the SOLR interface.’ |
‘Metacat’ |
‘MN’ |
‘CJ’ |
‘The Metacat application. Implements the DataONE MN service interfaces.’ |
‘Dryad’ |
‘MN’ |
‘RS’ |
‘A member node implementation and instance for the Dryad repository’ |
‘GMN’ |
‘MN’ |
‘RD’ |
‘A generic, standalone Member Node implementation written in Python using the Django framework.’ |
‘Mercury_MN’ |
‘MN’ |
‘JG’ |
‘Mercury implementation of the Member Node services’ |
‘d1_client_cli’ |
‘ITK’ |
‘RD’ |
‘A command line client for interacting with the DataONE infrastructure. Currently implemented using d1_libclient_python.’ |
‘d1_client_fuse’ |
‘ITK’ |
‘DV’ |
‘A FUSE driver for mounting the DataONE infrastructure as a file system.’ |
‘d1_client_dokan’ |
‘ITK’ |
‘DV’ |
‘An extention of the FUSE driver that is based on Dokan for use on Microsoft Windows systems.’ |
‘d1_client_r’ |
‘ITK’ |
‘MJ’ |
‘A plugin for R that enables access to DataONE content from the R application. Implemented using d1_libclient_java.’ |
‘hzpeek’ |
‘Testing’ |
‘DV’ |
‘A tool for examining the Hazelcast queues on the CNs’ |