
This document describes how to use the DataONE web-based provenance editor to provide the linkages between input data files, scripts, and output data files that were used in an analysis. Frequently, researchers produce derived data as well as graphics, images, and maps as the result of multiple computational processing steps. Provenance is the information that documents these relationships to explicitly show how a derived product was created by running one or more computational processes on a set of input data.

Work-in-progress: Editing provenance from the browser

DataONE is developing a web-based provenance editor that enables researchers to easily associate these provenance relationships with the data that they upload to a DataONE data repsository. Within the data landing page for a data set, the data tables and other data items are listed, along with buttons for establishing which input data were used, what output products were created, and which scripts were used to handle the processing.

We’ll be editing an example metadata document to illustrate the process:

A DataONE Provenance display

After editing provenance, each of the inputs, outputs, ansd scripts is displayed as an icon in the interface.

A real world example of a dataset with full provenance can be seen on the DataONE search system:

Mark Carls. 2017. Analysis of hydrocarbons following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Gulf of Alaska, 1989 - 2014. urn:node:GOA. urn:uuid:3249ada0-afe3-4dd6-875e-0f7928a4c171.

The ProvONE model

Provenance information in these records is represented using the ProvONE model, which is a formal specification of the relationships among the members of the federation.

Tools in R for provenance

Tools like the R datapack and dataone libraries can be used to create this type of provenance from within the R statistical language.

Jones M and Slaughter P (2017). datapack: A Flexible Container to Transport and Manipulate Data and Associated Resources. doi: 10.5063/F1QV3JGM (URL:, R package version 1.3.1, <URL:>.

Jones M, Slaughter P, Nahf R, Jones C, Boettiger C, Walker L, Hallett L, Chamberlain S, Hart E and Read J (2017). dataone: R Interface to the DataONE REST API. doi: 10.5063/F1M61H5X (URL:, R package version 2.1.0, <URL:>.