Identify suitable repositories for the data
Shaping the data management plan towards a specific desired repository will increase the likelihood that the data will be accepted into that repository and increase the discoverability of the data within the desired repository. When beginning a data management plan:
- Look to the data management guidelines of the project/grant for a required repository
- Ask colleagues what repositories are used in the community
- Determine if your local institution has a repository that would be appropriate (and might be required) for depositing your data
- Check the DataONE website for a list of potential repositories.
Description Rationale
Shaping the data management plan towards a specific desired repository will increase the likelihood that the data will be accepted into that repository and increase the discoverability of the data within the desired repository.
Additional Information
Digging into Data List of Repositories Registry of Research Data Repositories Simmons list of repositories
Scenario: An ornithologist is creating a data management plan for migratory bird data. She would like to ultimately put her data in eBird. She looks at the repository to find its rules for data management to incorporate in her plan.
Cite this best practice:
Perry Willett, Rebecca Lubas, DataONE (May 11, 2011) "Best Practice: Identify suitable repositories for the data". Accessed through the Data Management Skillbuilding Hub at on Mar 01, 2024